
Vote Yes, Pay Less: It’s Time for Victory with the Four Initiatives

Are you ready for victory in the 2024 election? With your help, we have a great opportunity for success in several key areas. Your ballot will arrive in just one month, and the first items listed on it will be Let’s Go Washington’s Four Initiatives. If these initiatives become law, they will profoundly help families across Washington. We courage everyone to vote Yes on all four: “Vote Yes, Pay Less!”

Below you can learn more about each initiative and equip yourself with talking points. Then, there are practical ways you can help spread the word before the November election.

I-2066, “Protect Energy Choice,” gives voters the power to protect natural gas for heating, cooking, and other uses. The initiative also stops state and local governments from banning, restricting, or discouraging gas and gas appliances in homes and businesses. These protections, in conjunction with several other measures the initiative includes, will ensure that Washington residents have easy access to natural gas and that government agencies and officials cannot conspire to force residents to use more expensive, less reliable energy sources.

I-2109, “Repeal the Capital Gains Tax.” Innovators and family businesses should not be penalized for years of hard work building up their businesses and paying taxes just to be taxed again when they retire and want to bless their families with the fruits of their labor. It is an outright lie that Capital Gains Taxes only impact the rich. The threshold is already just at $250,000, and legislators are discussing lowering that amount even more and increasing the tax percentage. This is a slippery slope we know our state government will take advantage of if given the chance. Let’s Go Washington’s ballot description says this measure would “repeal an excise tax imposed on the sale or exchange of certain long-term capital assets by individuals who have annual capital gains of over $250,000.”

I-2117, “Stop the Hidden Gas Tax,” does exactly as the title suggests: prohibits state agencies from implementing hidden taxes on consumers or suppliers known as carbon tax credit trading, or “cap and trade” and “cap and tax” programs. Conservative estimates show that the “Hidden Gas Tax” has added 45 cents per gallon to the cost of gas, making Washington the state with some of the highest gas prices – often higher than even California and Hawaii. These numbers are a far cry from Governor Inslee’s assurance that the bill would add “pennies” to the overall cost of gas. The bill description for I-2117 explains it would “repeal sections of the 2021 Washington Climate Commitment Act as amended, including repealing the creation and modification of a ‘cap and invest’ program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by specific entities.”

I-2124, “Opt Out Of State-Run Long Term Care Coverage Act.” The government should not set up its own insurance program, and then force people to pay into it. This initiative would allow Washington residents to opt out of the deceptive “Long Term Care Coverage Act” that does not provide “long term care” as it claims ($36,000 in maximum coverage does not equate to long-term care – for some assisted living facilities that would cover only 3-4 months of living expenses), and includes caveats that guarantee some individuals will pay into a system they will never reap benefits from. This is an unfair law that residents should have the choice to opt out of if it will not serve their long-term interests. The initiative description specifically states that it would alter state law by “establishing a state long-term care insurance program to provide that employees and self-employed people must elect to keep coverage under RCW 50B.04, allow employees to opt-out of coverage under RCW 50B.04 at any time, and repeal a current law governing exemptions for employees who had purchased long term care insurance before November 1, 2021.”

Actions Needed

Now that you know a little more about each of the Four Initiatives, here’s how you can get involved before the election to help spread awareness about these critical measures:

#1 — Put up colorful yard signs across your neighborhood

#2 — Door bell with flyers in your neighborhood. These flyers include succinct talking points. 

#3 — Come by FPIW Headquarters in Lynwood and load up on free supplies: flyers with talking points, t-shirts, buttons, hats, bumper stickers, yard signs, and much more. Open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays. Email Travis with any questions: For other locations across the state with free supplies, email Ashley Butenschoen, the Statewide Volunteer Director (pictured below). Her email is: You also can order supplies online here.

If all of FPIW’s DEFENDERS rise up and take action, it will have a tremendous impact on the election. Through our acts of voting, let’s make progress to win back our beloved communities and state.

  • Want to Change Our Culture? 500,000 DEFENDER Prayer Warriors Are Needed.
  • Want to be Heard in Olympia? 200,000 DEFENDER Activists for Political Power Are Needed.
  • Want to Change Washington’s Laws? 450,000 DEFENDER Signers of Initiatives & Referendums Are Needed.
  • Want Lasting Change? 1.7 Million DEFENDER Voters for Conservative Candidates Are Needed.

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