Brad's Bulletin

Our Vision

“A state where authentic biblical values flourish.”

Here at FPIW Action, we defend the family. As a lobbyist, I currently represent 87,000 people across Washington State. Join us. Let’s unite for the mission and see the change we desire right here in our home.

Early Fireworks: Key Bills This Week In Olympia

To Our FPIW Defenders:

The early fireworks have begun during the first three weeks of the Legislative Session in Olympia. Rent control, parental rights, and even clergy responsibilities have all made big news at the Capitol.

Based upon what I see coming down the pike, the show is just getting started.

Well over 1,000 bills have already been filed, and we are working hard to keep you informed in order to advance and defend biblical values in the public square.

Sunday Emails

Tonight marks the first night of our newest efforts to keep you engaged in the political process. Every Sunday evening we will email you a listing of key bills for the upcoming week. You can register your PRO or CON position on each of these hearings by clicking here, which will take you to our ‘Action Alerts’ section of our website

Or, another option is to use our new app called Washington Defender. If you have not yet joined our app, please do so right away. It is the easiest way to register PRO or CON on legislation with just a few clicks on your phone.

More bills are coming this week, and so more Action Alerts will be issued, too. We will post the Action Alerts on the website and the app. NOTE: Please check the website and the app EVERY SINGLE DAY! Either way, it will be the same information.

More Issues, More Alerts

During the 2024 Legislative Session we posted a ‘Legislative Update’ once a week so that you could register your position on four to six bills. In 2025, we have expanded our legislative issues from 4 to 18, and so we are posting 6 to 8 ‘Action Alerts’ daily. Combined with our Sunday evening newsletter we are now providing you with nearly 35 ‘Action Alert’ postings per week … a seven-fold increase over last year.

Not only are we providing you with the chance to register your position on these bills, but we also provide a comprehensive bill library that gives you more in-depth information on each piece of legislation we post an ‘Action Alert’. You can use this information in preparation for providing written testimony, remote testimony, or just making a phone call to a legislator about a specific bill.

Prayer Tours at the Capitol

In addition to our daily ‘Action Alerts’ we also continue to provide daily ‘Capitol Prayer Tours’. To learn more about these tours, please click here. I strongly encourage you to speak with leadership at your church and get signed up for a day at the Capitol. Prayer is a powerful tool when we are doing such intense spiritual warfare. These groups have been able to pray over various legislators, the House and Senate Chambers, the Governor’s office and even the Supreme Court, to name just a few.

Interviews with Pastor Brian

Lastly, please check in on our app for legislative interviews performed by our CEO, Pastor Brian Noble. He spent a full day at the Roanoke Conference last weekend interviewing the likes of WA State Republican Party Chair Rep. Jim Walsh; Chair of the Young Republicans, Anthony Mixer; former candidate for State Treasurer, Sharon Hanek; and the Executive Director of the Citizen Action Defense Fund (CADF), Jackson Maynard, Jr. These interviews are fast-moving and incredibly informative.

Your Voice

Finally, please know that we want to make engaging the culture as easy as possible for you. For those of us who have enable ‘auto-fill’ capabilities on our phones and are registering bills via the Washington Defender App, it is taking us less than 30 seconds for each bill. That means that tonight you can register your position on all 10 of these bills in 5 minutes. Registering for 35 bills this week will cost you about 18 minutes!

Imagine the possibilities if every FPIW Defender were following through on my ‘Action Alerts’. We can truly have a ‘voice’ in Olympia, and we are so grateful for all you do. Together let’s shape the story of our beloved Washington State.

Defending the family,

Brad Payne, President
FPIW Action